Come and Whine
952 Alexander Road
West Windsor, NJ 08550
An evening of wine tasting and storytelling to be held outdoors at West Windsor Arts.
Date: Saturday, June 12, rain date June 13 in person
Time: 5-7pm
Location: WWA outdoors
Price: $25 per person for WWA member, $30 per person for everyone else
Age: 21 and over only
Social distancing and facemasks required.
Join us for a wine tasting with snacks followed by a story slam with prizes. You can put your name in the hat for the chance to be one of the storytellers for the night, or just come and listen! Seven stories that relate to the theme of wine or whine will be told, and the audience will help select the winner based on the story itself and how well it was told!
Storytelling is as old as the hills but couldn’t be more relevant in today’s world of online everything. Stories help us to make connections with others, to unite us through compassion and acceptance, and to build our understanding of the world we live in. We invite you to come listen to others tell their tale while you're sipping wine.
If you have never been to a storytelling event, or a StorySlam, here is what is in store for you. We will start with some wine tasting. This is always a great way to start an evening. Then seven members of the audience who enter their names will be randomly selected to share a story that relates to the theme of wine or whine. You don’t have to be a storyteller in order to attend the event. You will have loads of fun listening and just being part of this shared experience. There will be an MC to lead the festivities, with judging and prizes for the storytellers. Everyone is a winner as we each take one step closer (figuratively speaking) to our neighbor.