Event Registration

Saturday: Cartoon, Comics, and Fantasy Drawing [Ages 8-11]
01/11/2025 10:15 AM - 03/22/2025 11:15 AM ET


Youth Classes + Workshops


West Windsor Arts
952 Alexander Road
West Windsor, NJ 08550


Through prompts and design challenges, we will learn how to create our own
characters comic strips and fantasy drawings. Students will run through
exercises and games to learn about figurative drawing,
comic book design, and drawing perspective. Get those creative juices flowing and
see how your unique ideas can become a stepping stone into a career in graphic design!

Teaching Artist: Ryan Gilleece
Ages 8 - 11: Saturdays, 10:15-11:15 am: 9 sessions
January 11 - March 22 (No class January 18 & February 15) (Snow Dates: March 29 & April 5)
$135 Member* | $144 Non-Member
*Household or supporter membership required for member price. Individual, artist, or senior memberships will not work on youth or teen classes
$20 materials fee due on the first day of class

If you already have an account, please log inMembers have access to special pricing. Click here to learn more about membership.

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If you would like to manage your account (i.e., view donation history, change address, etc.), please create a login name and password. It will also make registerting for future events much faster!

Waiver Statement:

By enrolling yourself or your child[ren] in a class, you understand and agree to the following: 


West Windsor Arts (WWA) follows current health advisories issued by the CDC. WWA cannot guarantee that you will not become exposed to or infected with any illness as a result of participating in a WWA program. 

You attest the following for yourself and/or your child that you have not been diagnosed with any transmittable illnesses or parasites such as Covid-19 and its variants, flu, cold, lice, ringworm, stomach bug, etc.

You assume full responsibility and liability for the risk of bodily injury, illness, permanent disability and/or death that may result from exposure to or infection from illness during or after participating in a WWA program.

You, for yourself, your heirs, legal representatives and assigns, waive, release and discharge WWA, and its officials, employees, volunteers, attorneys and agents, from any and all liability for any and all claims, losses or damages result directly or indirectly from exposure to or infection from illness, during or after participating in a WWA program.


Class Cancellation: All classes with insufficient registrations will be closed 48 hours before they are scheduled to begin.  Every effort will be made to find a suitable class for the attendee.

Missed classes:  In the case of the student's absence, West Windsor Arts will not offer a make-up class nor refund the missed class.  Teaching artists are paid for the hours they teach and, understandably, cannot teach unpaid for one child who missed a class.  

Refunds (Policy is subject to change without advance notice)

a] No refunds are issued unless a class is canceled by the West Windsor Arts.

b] No refunds are issued if an attendee is asked to leave a session in case of frequent erratic and disruptive behavior or code of conduct that is deemed to be in violation of safety and responsibility considerations.

c] In case of medical withdrawals, a $25 administrative fee will be charged and applied to the prorated balance on account. A doctor's note is required for a medical withdrawal*.

d] If a class is not a good fit, the West Windsor Arts will make every effort to find an alternate option.

3. CODE OF CONDUCT:  The West Windsor Arts will strive to create a warm, inviting, safe and fun environment for all attendees. Behavior that interferes with other attendees and staff is considered ‘disruptive behavior’. Disruptive behavior that is unacceptable includes, but is not limited to abusive, erratic behavior that hinders class activities or is in violation of safety and responsibility considerations. West Windsor Arts reserves the right to determine how to address a situation involving a disruptive attendee including, but not limited to removing the attendee to a safe space for a private discussion with the attendee and/or parent regarding the disruptive conduct; a warning to cease the disruptive behavior; exclusion from an activity and/or dismissal from the class.

4. PHOTO AND RECORDING RELEASE: You are giving the West Windsor Arts, its representatives and staff, permission to record, for safety and transparency, and take photographs of when a class is in session. Photographs may be used for educational or marketing purposes, in print or electronically. Call 609.716.1931 for more information.

* COMMUNICATIONS:  Adult attendees and parents/guardians of minor attendees are encouraged to share concerns about a session directly with Kirsten Sanford, Education Manager, via phone at 609-716-1931 or by email at  Kirsten@westwindsorarts.org. 

Policies on late fees, class refunds, withdrawals, and make-ups are subject to change without notice.

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