Kintsugi by Jayme Fahrer

Type: 2024 Member Show: Leave Your Mark
Price: $278.00


Kintsugi by Jayme Fahrer

mixed paints, hot glue, sewing needle and thread, and staples

9 x 12 inches

Artist Statement: I used an old painting, one of my firsts, actually. I cut it, and reattached it on the canvas. I stitched it with a needle and thread, then applied the bonding - hot glue. Later to be painted over in gold paint. Kintsugi is a Japanese method of fixing broken items. Usually pottery...and there is no attempt to hide the damage, but the repair is literally illuminated with gold. I decided to do the same thing, but with one of my oldest pieces of art. This represents so very much to I have grown as a person, and an artist over the years. I am PROUD of my flaws now, also as a person and an artist. I boldly display that with this piece.

Bio: As an abstract artist, I create works through the interplay of colors and the energy of movement, as I strive to communicate emotions and thoughts that transcend the limitations of words. Avoiding traditional paint brushes, I embrace unconventional tools, such as resin, pigments, various tools and objects, to enhance the visual representation of my inner visions.

My creative process is deeply intertwined with my mental health journey and personal struggles. Additionally, I am inspired by nature's everchanging beautiful chaos and the rhythmic drama of music.

I invite viewers to explore their own feelings through the lens of my work...hoping they will delve into their emotions, or at least get lost in the intricate dance of color and movement.  I've had the honor of showing at West Windsor Arts Council, Small World Coffee, With Intentions Studio, Trenton Artworks and other local establishments.

*Price is subject to sales tax.