Tribute to an Unknown Artist by Francis Owens

Type: 2024 Art Alliance
Price: $0.00
Availability: Out of Stock


Tribute to an Unknown Artist by Francis Owens


16 x 20 inches

Artist Statement: When I was a child, our class went on a class trip into New York City; to the Museum of Natural History (I think). As the school bus drove through the city, I noticed a painting in the window of a shop or a gallery. The painting was of a pear bursting out of another pear. I thought the painting was really cool, and I still do. It was just a fleeting moment, but that image stayed with me for about sixty years now. I have no idea who the artist was, or the gallery, or where it was in New York. I decided to recreate that painting based on my faded memory of it.

Bio: I spent about 35 years in book publishing as an art director and creative manager for McGraw-Hill. Most of those years were in New York, with ten years spent in San Francisco. I designed textbooks for children, Pre-K through high school; as well as college textbooks. Over the years I worked with numerous designers and illustrators. I retired in 2019 and I have been enjoying dedicating my time to my paintings, although I worked paintings before retiring. I have exhibited at the Monmouth Museum, Garden State Watercolor Society, Shore Institute of Contemporary Art (SICA, now defunct) and the Art Alliance.

not for sale*