Slope by Gabe Chiarello
Medium: acrylic, epoxy resin, collage
Artist Statement: I’ve been through what art is “supposed to be” and I’ve thrown it out the window. My most recent output is some of my most whimsical, imaginative and accessible to any age demographic. I want the work to be fun! I want it to be capable of having a life outside of an art gallery context and be able to live on any wall. Some of the best work I’ve ever seen has been that of a child’s work pinned to classroom walls and hung on refrigerators, coming from a place of no self doubt or overthinking. Tapping into childhood inspiration, I've always looked at the world like a Rorschach Test, seeing hidden images and meanings within mundane objects. There’s whole worlds existing inside the lines of a wood paneled wall and I attempt to pull them to the surface with a playful and inspired mind.
The sale price will be split with the artist and WWA
Price subject to sales tax